Thursday, June 5, 2008

This is the last time, I promise

Until next time, this is the last blog about the Twillight books. I
finished again on Tuesday morning at 9am. I was happy because I wasn't
depressed like I was last time I read them. Yesterday during our
family walk, I realized I was wrong. I wasn't as depressed this time,
but I was still troubled by the books and felt the regular let down of
finishing them again. I hope that the fourth and final book will
fulfill my need because I NEED to know about the wedding and if she
actually turns and how it is. I just have to know. And if it isn't a
happy ending, I don't know what I'll do. Sometimes I wish I didn't
feel so strongly when reading about fictional characters ( the strong
feelings are also associated with movies).


Rhia Jean said...

Ha! Remember Titanic? Oh, sorry. Um, let me make you about Singin' in the Rain?

Alison said...

There, there. I'm sure everything will work out in the end, cause if not, I will be crying in a corner when I finish the fourth one.

Matthew Ware said...

Hey, less than two months...

And I heard she wrote a version of Twilight from Edward's point of view. The Vampire Ed-stat, or something.

Emily Anne said...

Rhia, can you believe I watched Million Dollar Baby? I cried like a baby.