Monday, August 18, 2008


In our little group of friends we talk about the family we choose rather than the family you are born into. I love the family I was born into

and I love the family I choose.

I even love the family I married into,

but sometimes I just want to leave it all behind and live on a deserted island just me and my husband and my beautiful son for a couple of weeks. Doesn't that sound great?

I love my family, but they sure do drive me crazy. Why can't everyone be exactly the way I want them to be all the time? Why can't I be the way I want to be all the time?


Matthew Ware said...

Someone's read Breaking Dawn...

Yeah, I'm totally into the family you choose concept. Sometimes the family you were given isn't supporters.

Rhia Jean said...

I'm sure 99.9% of all married people would agree with you and 99.999999% of all other people (married and single) would agree with you as well. At least I do.