Friday, August 15, 2008

Breaking Dawn

I don't want to give anything away for those who have not finished it yet, like my friend Michelle. I just wanted to say HOLY FREAKING GOODNESS! I was wonderful and made me happy in so many ways. Plus, I read it in 22 hours. I would have finished sooner but I had to study for my final and then take my final this morning. I am happy and content for now. I cannot wait for the movie!


K2 said...

It was wonderful wasn't it? My favorite by far. Here is a list:

My favorite Stephanie Meyer books.

1. Breaking Dawn
2. Twilight
3. Eclipse
4. The Host
5. New Moon (when I re-read this one I just skip to the end)

I think I'll start BD again after I finish Clone Wars.

I loves and misses you!

Rhia Jean said...

I know I totally bashed BD on Matt's blog, but I am having a change of heart. At least I am trying to. I just don't like not liking the last book in one of my favorite series, so I am putting all of my bitter and nit-picky thoughts to rest and be happy. I think it all stemmed because I was upset that the series ended and that makes me sorta sad.

Emily Anne said...

I think part of my happy glow (this is cheesy) is because I have eternity with my true love too, and that makes me happy.

Matthew Ware said...

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Just kidding :)