Thursday, May 29, 2008

Road games

Did you know that the letters J, Q, and Z are the most difficult
letters to find on signs while on a road trip? On the way to Omaha,
Matt, Suzzanne, Nd I played the ABC game. I had never even heard of
it, much less played it. For those like me who don't know the game,
you find anything outside the car with the letter A and say "A in
hail" if you see the letter in the word hail. Everyone starts at A and
goes through Z and you can't use a letter that someone else has used.
The first person to Z wins. I never won, bit came in second at least
once. It is actually pretty fun. You can use letters in license plates
also. Next time you embark on a road trip, I suggest trying this game,
it is fun.


Matthew Ware said...

I won twice. Beating Suzzanne is not an easy feat. Emily, though never a winner, did beat me a few times. And isn't that the real point, beating one's spouse? :)

Rhia Jean said...

I love that game! I can't believe I never played it with you Em!