Monday, May 26, 2008

Man vs. Goat

We were at the Omaha Zoo today and went to the petting zoo area first.
Will has a cute zoo hat we bought in KC to keep the sun out of his
face and we had it on when we went to pet the goat. It was on a rock
and I put Will on a lower rock right next to the goat, waiting till
the other family took a picture. The goat, however, seemed more
interested in Will's hat. It stepped towards Will, sniffed his hat,
and tried to eat the hat. I didn't realize the hat was what the goat
was going for or I would have moved Will before the goat got the hat
in its mouth. As soon as it got the hat I smacked the goat on the
nose, like you would a misbehaving cat. I move Will because it let go
of the hat, and warned surrounding families the goat eats hats. No one
was hurt and the hat was fine, but Will wouldn't pet the goats after
that. He started to cry if you got him too close to a goat. I'm
surprised how quickly I smacked the goat and that it actually worked
(and I don't want to hear any animal lovers complain about smackin
goats or cats on the nose for bad behavior).


Alison said...

Naughty goat! :)

Rhia Jean said...

The nose!!!??? Girl you know I smack my cat any place my hand lands! Most often it's on the back side. I wouldn't do it to a goat though. That thing had horns though. I know Millie is the spawn of Satan and all, but she can't hurt me with her horns.

Matthew Ware said...

Yeah, I wasn't around when this happened (I think I was on a bathroom break). When Em told me what she'd done, I said "you know that goat could have attacked you".

Will really was nervous after that. I'd try to take him near one, and he was okay until I tried to make him touch one.