Monday, July 28, 2008

I hate being allergic

In case the three people who read my blog didn't know, I have
allergies. My allergies are year round allergies to most things
growing outside, most things inside, and most animals. I have been
meaning to see an allergist my doctor reccomended for at least 4
months. Now that we have a cat, I am miserable and the OTC allergy
medicine isn't cutting it. I called Friday and made an appointment.
I'm looking forward to feeling better, however, I have to be off
medication for seven days! I can take bennadryl until 48 hours before
the appointment, which means I cannot have ANY medication at all after
Tuesday at 11am. OH MY GOODNESS, I am going to DIE. I didn't sleep
well last night because I had a hard time breathing. I cannot imagine
how I am going to survive until my appointment Thursday at 3pm. Please
come to my funeral if I die. It would make Matt happy. Actually, my
death may make Matt happy. His five year plan is for me to die and he
get remarried. I keep threatening to live, but my allergies may do me
in yet. Keep your fingers crossed.


Alison said...

Ick! Allergies suck! I hate it when people say, "Oh, it's just allergies." Yeah, and they make you feel like CRAP! I'm sorry. You can make it; I feel it. :)

Matthew Ware said...

It's a rolling 5 year plan. So you could die at 87, and I could still get remarried. In theory.

Broin's said...

I'll come to the funeral! I guess I make the third person who reads your blog! How are you Mrs Emily?

Darla said...

That's no fun! I think you'll survive, but it certainly won't be pleasant. Hang in there! Hopefully the allergies with get better with treatment.