Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Why Group Work Stinks

Today, in my community health class, instead of having a lecture with
notes we did group work. Sometimes I like group projects. When we have
something like a health fair it is nice to have several people.
However, when you break up the info in class to make us do your
teacher job, I just don't learn. For example, today we were put into
groups and given some objectives and we had to find the info and then
present it in class. This is why this stinks:
1. I'm not getting paid to do your job
2. I only learn the things that I looked up
3. The info presented is not exciting and I have a hard time focusing
4. I'm going to have to look it up on my own later because it is going
to be on the test
5. The info comes (often) from
books that we don't have and so I can't look up later what I didn't

If group projects are necessary, please don't use other books that we
don't have access to later for study. Use the super overpriced books
we had to purchase for the class. And please tell us what you are
going to test over.

Can you tell I'm frusterated? This happens often and I don't learn.
Today we were given questions and had to choose the objectives to
cover and then find the info. The problem was several people choose
the same objectives and others were not covered, but we are
responsible for the info. Grrr.


Matthew Ware said...

Considering the money that is being spent on this program (by your mom) you'd think you'd have decent classes. It doesn't seem to be the case.

Rhia Jean said...

You'd think that eventually educators would figure out that this is not an effective teaching method...yeah.