Monday, March 10, 2008

My iPhone

In case you don't already know, Matt and I got iPhones a few weeks ago. I love my iPhone. Here are some reasons why I love my iPhone:

1. It's portable - the iPhone fits in my pocket nicely and is small enough not to make a big bulge or to be uncomfortable.

2. It's super sleek and stylish (and cute) - It just looks hot. Black with the silver back and the chrome edging.
3. It's maps feature is awsome - It automatically knows where you are and will map from your location to anywhere. It will also allow you to put pins in for where you leave your car so you can always find it again.
4. I have the internet in my pocket - what other phone allows you to have the internet in your pocket? And most pages have a layout for the iPhone so they work well.
5. I can check my e-mail and get alerts when I get a new e-mail - you can set the phone up to check your e-mail every 15, 30 minutes or 1 hour. It's awsome!
In case you didn't get it the first time, I love my iPhone.


Rhia Jean said...

Reason #3 alone would cause me to cave and get an iPhone thus aiding Apple in it's conquest to take over the world.

R Matthew Ware said...

It would be a prettier, more user-friendly world.