Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Early Year Resolutions

Since I missed out on New years resolutions and I have decided to
change some things, I am making early year resolutions.

I am going to lose 20-30 pounds. I want to drop some weight before I
get pregnant again.

I am going to read my scriptures for 30 minutes a day in the morning.

I am going to re-evaluate each day in my journal before I go to bed.

I am going to spend 2 hours outside of class studying each day.

I'll make regular resolution check ups to keep me honest. The End


Rhia Jean said...

Go you! I'm impressed with your goals! Me, I'm too lazy to make goals so I like to trick myself into not making goals so then I don't set myself up for failure. But you're not that way...I know you. You'll actually attempt and acheive your goals. Woo-hoo for the Miami!

K2 said...

Em rocks the house! I agree with Rhia about the goals thing. I am lazy myself. :-)

R Matthew Ware said...

I try to keep loose goals. They're nice things that I sort of attempt to complete. But it's okay to finish late or change the goal midstream. I think that's okay. It's my goal. It's not like I'm cheating on the Word of Wisdom or anything.

Emily Anne said...

I would like to say I'm doing awsome, but that isn't so. I'm trying but failing. I think I'll be better when Spring Break is over and Mom goes home.

Rhia Jean said...

Hey, as long as you're trying, it's better than the rest of us who are too lazy to even make goals. Don't beat yourself up for not being perfect. If you're not doing all of them well, then just pick one or two and work really hard on those and then add the others in when you feel that you can.